Are You Looking and Feeling Your Best for Your Upcoming Family Vacation?

“And you too have come
into the world to do this, to go easy, to be filled
with light, and to shine.”
These lines that compare our human lives to those of trees, are poet Mary Oliver’s way of encouraging all of us to spend more time in nature, or at least in reflection.
When was the last time that you spend time in nature? The last time that your whole family spend any time together in the great outdoors? If it has been awhile, then now is the time to make sure that you are making plans for a vacation that encourages everyone in your family to leave work and schedules and technology behind and spend time among the trees. Or the ocean. Or the mountains.
Too many families are victims of complicated schedules at work and busy schedules at school. For this reason alone, it should come as no surprise that there are a number of families who are making family time a bigger priority. Whether it is a long weekend at the lake or a two week vacation out of the country, there are many times when parents are doing everything they can to spend more time with their children, even when those children are older.
Are You Looking for a Way to Make Sure You Are Having the Best Vacation Ever?
It might be difficult to admit, but it is not always easy to have a great time, even when you are on vacation if you are not feeling good about yourself. For this reason, there are many times when people set goals for themselves when they are planning a vacation. New clothes. New luggage. New fitness plans. New nutrition goals. What if, however, inspire of your best self you are still not happy with how you look when you see your image in the mirror. It is at these times when many people turn to outside resources to attempt to look their very best. some people even find themselves looking for a way to have a younger looking hairstyle. In fact, after years or thinning or balding, many people are ready to invest in a hair restoration process that will make both vacation days great, as well as those days back at work.
For instance, follicular unit extraction (FUE), also known as follicular transfer (FT), is one of the primary methods of obtaining follicular units and can help many people get the confidence they need to feel good about themselves. By using these naturally occurring groups of one to four hairs for hair transplantation, FUE allows many people to gain the confidence they need for success and happiness in every part of their lives. For patients who have natural groupings as much as 7 or 8 in a single graft, the FUE process can be even more successful.
With the latest hair replacement services like FUE, hair restoration doctors can offer their clients a way to look great and feel better about themselves.
Did you know that as many as 35 million men and 21 million women in the U.S. are experiencing hair loss? This is a condition that has long been a problem for many men and women. With the latest techniques, however, many people are able to find the solutions that they need. Consider some of these other facts and figures about the many times when hair restoration services can help you be your best self, both in the office, out on a date, or on a family vacation:

  • 60% of hair loss sufferers who said they would rather have more hair than money or friends.
  • Unfortunately, by age 35, nearly 66% of men will experience some level of visible hair loss and by age 50, about 85% of men will have significantly thinning hair.
  • Perhaps this is why nearly 47% of hair loss sufferers indicate that they would spend their life savings to have a full head of hair again.

Walking through a grand stand of trees can be a great vacation activity, but if you need a little more confidence even the grandeur of Mother Nature can be intimidating. What are you doing for yourself so that you will be ready to enjoy your next family vacation?

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