Ibogaine Clinics The Truth About Confronting Your Addiction

Ibogaine treatment for opiate addiction

Addiction is a nasty thing — more than nasty, really. It can destroy a person’s life and those of the people close to them. It can come in many forms, from alcohol addiction to addiction to illegal drugs, and even addiction to prescription medications. But perhaps the worst thing about addiction is that it’s deeply misunderstood. Addicts are often treated like pariahs or failures. This is the last thing that society should do, and it certainly doesn’t help addicts in any way. In fact, addiction is a real disease. Oftentimes, addicts even inherit a propensity for addiction, making it difficult for them to avoid addiction problems in the first place. Whether it’s you or someone you love struggling with addiction — whether the addiction in question is opiate addiction or oxycontin addiction — traditional rehab doesn’t necessarily help. It can in fact be very damaging to certain people. That’s where an ibogaine clinic comes in. An ibogaine clinic can be the answer to your prayers; but it’s not nearly as well-known as some rehabilitation strategies. As such, let’s take a look at what ibogaine is, and what it can offer you.

What is an Ibogaine Clinic?

An ibogaine clinic offers a very specific, different form of detox. Ibogaine detox isn’t like the rehab strategies that involve people shouting at addicts and making them feel like terrible people. With 6.8 million addicts also suffering from mental illness, ibogaine targets the reason why addicts become addicts at the source. You see, ibogaine is a psychoactive drug originally found in a certain plant family. It’s psychedelic, known to produce a dissociative effect. At an ibogaine clinic, people are not placed on a simple detox that produces strong withdrawal effects. Rather, they are treated with ibogaine. While you detox from the source of your addiction, you take ibogaine. Ibogaine is known to eliminate 98% of all common opioud withdrawal symptoms. It’s also been seen to reduce craving for stimulants and alcohol. With 100 people dying every day from drug overdoses, it’s important to make withdrawal less frightening to people.

What Is The Effect Of Ibogaine?

Ibogaine has several different effects. As with any medication, there are some side effects to be aware of; ibogaine has been known to produce some nausea, for example. However, the positive benefits greatly outweigh any minor negative side effects. The great thing about ibogaine is that it’s processed in two different stages. In the first stage, one experiences a visionary effect. The visionary stage is perhaps the stage most commonly associated with ibogaine in the first place. During the visionary stage the user experiences a dreamlike state, with psychedelic visions and feelings. This lasts four to six hours, which gives the user enough time to experience the positive without it lasting too long. The introspection phase is the second phase. While it may not be as famous as the visionary phase, it is the most therapeutic. The introspection phase allows people to think about their fears and traumas. It’s about conquering your fear in a safe space, and processing any negative emotions. This is a great time for bad memories and traumatic issues to be confronted and processed. Many addicts do have traumatic pasts; as such, it’s greatly important for them to be honest about these problems and take care of them head-on.

Why Choose Ibogaine Over Traditional Rehab?

The fact is that there are traditional rehabs and therapies available. But they aren’t right for everyone, and don’t have the best results for all addicts. If the heart of the problem is emotional, a gentler method is often better. This is why you should be very careful about what rehab you choose for you or your loved one. Be careful, and think about the positive effects ibogaine can have not only for your physical health but your mental health. Ibogaine isn’t about just treating addiction, but mental health as well.

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