While all that head scratching may seem like an obvious sign, a study conducted with students showed that approximately 60% didn’t even know they were infested with lice. And you know what that means, right?
Their families and friends probably don’t know–yet.
Did you know that If you have preschool or elementary-aged children, they are 80% more likely to become infected with lice? Not only that, but your wonderful children may just pass it on to their younger and older siblings–and parents–without even trying!
Where Lice Like to Nest
Since one of the signs your school-aged child may have lice is the above-mentioned head-scratching, it’s important to find out for sure before totally stressing out. Knowing how to get rid of lice can be a definite challenge, so if you find those eggs–or live lice–in your child’s hair, on their clothes, or scurrying across their pillows, you’ll want to seek a professional lice removal service.
At any given time, if your child is actually infected, there may be about ten live lice hiding in their hair. This may not seem like a lot, but these critters will soon be laying eggs. Why do the math on this one when there are ways to get rid of lice?
An interesting study showed that 80% of head lice preferred to lay their eggs in hair rather than on flannel.The other 20% seemed to prefer flannel for their nests. Since it’s close to the season of hats and scarves, the lice may be naturally drawn to lay their eggs on these and other soft fabrics.
How Not to Infect Family and Friends
Of course your child doesn’t want to infect their family or friends, but it does happen–and often. Since kids often share combs, brushes, and yes, occasionally a towel, it’s so important to banish this habit to the rubbish bin.
If you find out that your child is infected, one step you can take to ensure the infestation doesn’t spread is to to disinfect each comb and brush they’ve used. You can accomplish this task by heating up water to 130 degrees and then soaking them for at least five-to-ten minutes.
Or you could just throw the old combs and brushes away. After all, who doesn’t love a nice new brush (especially when the old one might still have buggies in it).
Watch Out for Allergic Reactions
Many children have sensitive skin, and they may have a response to all that itching and scratching. However, some children may experience an allergic reaction to lice bites. This generally occurs after someone has been bitten at least ten-thousand times, which would take about four weeks. Chances are that you have already taken your child to a lice treatment center.
How to Get Rid of Lice
Your first impulse may be to drive to the store for an over-the-counter treatment. Did you know that there are at least 25 states where strains of lice were found to be resistant to these products?
What are the alternatives?
First of all, you want to look for a professional service that provides chemical-free lice removal. Not only is it safer on your children’s skin, but it also prevents more toxins from entering your home. Secondly, professionals who specialize in lice removal know how to get rid of head lice naturally.
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