Three Major Advantages of Patient Lifts

Chair lifts for home

When a person is elderly, injured, or otherwise impaired physically, there are many advantages of patient lifts. Mobility is often an issue in many different circumstances, not the least of which are the circumstances regarding aging in place, recovering from injury or surgery at home, and living a fuller life while permanently disabled.

There are approximately 53 million Americans who live with a disability. Of all of the disabilities, limited mobility is the most common and almost 7 million Americans need some kind of device to aid them in their mobility. Patient lifts for home use as well as portable patient lifts can dramatically change the quality of life for all those who might need them. Here are the three major advantages of patient lifts and how they can be used.

1.) Safety concerns

Whether a patient is recovering at home or in a hospital setting from an injury or a surgery, patient lifts can make the transportation of an individual much safer for everyone. Lifting a patient from the bed to a wheelchair, for example, can be very dangerous for the patient as well as the person doing the lifting. With sit to stand patient lifts and other types of lifts designed to manage this task, safety will not have to be the issue it is without a lift involved.

2.) Returning independence to the disabled

For someone who is temporarily or permanently disabled, the idea of having to rely on other people every time they want to move to another room, get up the stairs, or even drive to the grocery store can become very disconcerting and downright depressing. One of the advantages of patient lifts is that they can return a semblance of independence to someone who is otherwise unable to move from one place to another without aid.

A wheelchair vehicle lift, for example, can allow someone in a wheelchair to access the car or van so that they can drive where they want to go. This is an amazingly freeing experience for someone who wouldn’t otherwise be able to make it behind the wheel.

3.) More seniors can age safely at home

According to the National Conference of State Legislatures and the AARP, 90% of people who are over the age of 65 have a very strong desire to stay in their homes for as long as they can. They want to be able to age in place and move around with as much freedom as they can, without being a burden to their families and others.

One of the main advantages of patient lifts is that they can be installed in the home to help with all kinds of mobility issues. Elderly lift assist devices range from stair lifts to bathroom lifts that help people in and out of the tub to recliner lifts that help with getting in and out of chairs.

Mobility issues have not changed over the years and decades. Thankfully, however, the ability to move more freely and independently as a result of lifts has changed and, as a result, people’s lives are better for it.

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