What to Expect From a Botox Injection

If you’ve never had a Botox injection before, anticipating it can feel scary. For those who are terrified of needles, the anticipation of getting it can almost be worse than the reality of what it is. According to the video “Botox injections: What to expect” by UCI Health on YouTube, Botox is a neurotoxin that prevents muscle function for 3-6 months to minimize the appearance of wrinkles. To get a healthy, safe Botox experience, you should go to someone who is properly certified.

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When you arrive for your first Botox appointment, you’ll first fill out a form with your medical history. Then, a healthcare provider will take you back to their office and discuss your medical history, goals, and other pertinent information. They’ll also talk about different options you may have. Before they inject the Botox, they’ll apply a numbing medication so you don’t feel the injection. They’ll also use a small needle to make healing more comfortable.

Once the injection is complete, your provider may give you an ice pack to apply to the area to reduce swelling. As long as you aren’t having any negative reactions, you can return to work or whatever activities you have planned for the day. If you have issues, you can contact your provider after the injection for instructions on aftercare.

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