Do you suffer from a diagnosed or undiagnosed disorder like migraines, depression, anxiety disorders, or digestive diseases? You might not think you need to see a doctor, get a diagnosis, or get a treatment plan, but more often than not it is detrimental to not seek a doctor?s advice and treatment if you feel like you might suffer from a long-term disorder or disease. Possible treatment plans could include anything from lifestyles changes, to switching diet practices, to medicine, to natural remedies depending on the doctor you choose to visit.
If you are not sure whether or not you may have a long-term disease or disorder, it is still best to seek a medical care provider?s assessment. Browse the options below to see if you may fit into one of these categories for treatment like changing diet practices or other lifestyle changes.
1. Migraines or severe headaches
Have you ever wondered if the headache you are suffering from could actually be a migraine instead? Perhaps you actually suffer from migraines on a weekly or monthly basis, and you are just unaware because you take a few aspirin and hope it will go away.
If you feel like you have a bad headache once a week, it could be a migraine. Because people often mistake migraines for simple headaches, they often go undiagnosed. Statistics show that more than 50 percent of patients with headaches are undiagnosed or untreated. Even if someone knows they have migraines regularly, less than 50 percent seek medical attention for the migraines.
Those who suffer from migraines tend to experience at least one or more a month. 54 percent report this many. Around 13 percent report that they actually have a migraine once or more every week. Those who suffer from migraines also tend to be more likely by three times to suffer from depression.
2. Anxiety disorders
Like migraines, anxiety disorders go undiagnosed, untreated and unnoticed often. Currently, more than 40 million adults suffer from an anxiety disorder in the United States making anxiety disorders the most common mental illness with 18 percent of the population suffering from one.
Although they are highly treatable with changes in diet practices and living a healthier life, in general, nearly two-thirds of those with an anxiety disorder never receive treatment.
3. Digestive diseases
Digestive diseases like colic affect a large portion of the population, as well. In the years 2009 and 2010 alone, more than 51 million visits to doctor?s offices and emergency rooms were due to digestive system diseases. All-in-all, there are 60 to 70 million people who are affected by digestive disease currently.
Unfortunately, digestive diseases do lead to death in some cases. In 2009 alone, there were 245,921 deaths due to digestive diseases. This does not always have to be the case, especially if those suffering are proactively seeking medical advice, care and treatment to hopefully handle the issues, side effects and suffering before it gets out of hand.
One specific digestive disease that people can suffer from is colic. This usually starts a few weeks after birth. Most of the time, it improves by the time a baby is a few months old, and hopefully they are improved or cured by the time they are five months of age. It is often noted that babies with colic cry more than usual. Many report that a baby with colic will cry three hours a day for three days a week for three weeks or even longer. If you feel as though this describes your new infant baby, seek medical advice and treatment immediately to get an accurate opinion and diagnosis.
Do you think that you might be suffering from a disorder or disease that should be addressed by a medical professional who can offer information and treatment plans? Do you feel like you could make lifestyle changes like adjusting your diet practices to improve your health? Let us know in the comments what your thoughts are on potential lifestyle changes.
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