Doctor Consultations from Your Couch

After hours urgent care

In a world where everything has gone digital, it is no surprise that even the medical and health industries have begun to shift from traditional face to face diagnosis to online diagnosis and prescription.

While it is still a relatively new idea, this idea of virtually communicating with an online doctor appears to be gaining traction in the health industry. While self diagnosis websites such as Web MD already exist, the shift has begun to focus on real physicians working with patients online to diagnose their symptoms, through virtual appointments. Physicians world wide have begun to jump on board, citing several advantages of online doctor consultation over the traditional doctor visits.

Working with an online physician offers several advantages. First and foremost is convenience. Working with a doctor to diagnosis symptoms and even offer online doctor prescriptions allows people to seek advice and treatment from the comfort of their homes. Of course, an obvious advantage of using virtual doctors and services is cost. It is significantly less expensive to access medical advice and information via the Internet than it would be in a traditional doctor visit, and you are cutting down on everything from transportation costs to time.

Online health care also allows for anonymity. Many people are embarrassed by visiting the doctor and having face to face conversations, and working with an online physician allows patients to avoid this. However, there is a chance of misdiagnosis, and the potential to missing symptoms that may require face to face diagnosis.

Finally, online physicians dramatically increase the number of jobs that would be available. Working via the Internet would allow for hundreds of jobs to be filled. While this idea of working with an online physician is relatively new, it does offer several advantages over the traditional doctor visit, and appears to be swiftly gaining traction in the health care industry.

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