Do You Have a Loved One Who Suffers from a Drug Addiction?

As the number of people who suffer from an addiction to heroin increase across the country it should come as no surprise that there are many online users who search for “methadone centers near me” in a desperate attempt to help themselves or a loved one. Methadone clinics in Chicago or other major metropolitan areas, in fact, often find that they are often at capacity. When many of these addicts are limited in income, the problems become even more challenging. As taxpayers foot the bill and health professionals search for answers, there are many times when this can seem like a never ending uphill battle.

What Is the Availability of Methadone Centers Near Me?
Unfortunately, for people who have become addicted to heroin, methadone, and other substances, the detox program is complicated. Both expensive and extensive, methadone treatment success rates range from 60% to 90%, and research indicates that outcomes improve the longer a patient remains in treatment. For the most part, those people who are addicted to heroin began their problems by misusing, or overusing, prescription drugs. Once an opioid addiction begins, though, the process of finding a solution on your own is difficult. Some would say impossible. Methadone treatment centers are effective in helping patients who are battling opiate addiction, but the availability of these treatment centers are often limited.

As more and more public health officials work toward a solution, the fact remains that drug overdose remains the leading cause of accidental death in the US, with 52,404 lethal drug overdoses in the year 2015 alone. As communities fight for space, availability, and funding, there is also a debate among some experts as to what the best treatment options are. On the one hand, you have the research that indicates that abstinence-based, non-medical treatments for opiate addiction have a success rate of only 5% to 10%. On the other hand, you have the reality that these methadone treatments are very costly.

What Is the Cost of Methadone Centers Near Me?
Expensive to purchase and expense to administer in a controlled setting, there are many city officials who fear that cannot spare the millions of dollars it would cost to solve people’s addictions. And even when health officials agree that methadone rehab clinics are the best option, it is difficult to justify the thousands of dollars it costs for individual treatment protocols.

Although methadone has proven to be the most effective treatment for individuals afflicted with opiate addiction for more than the last 50 years, methadone’s effects only last between 24 and 36 hours. This means that it takes many treatments over an extended period of time before an addict can successfully break their addiction.

Every time that someone goes in for a surgery that requires any kind of high level pain killer there is a chance that patient will the use of those pain killers will lead to future problems. In fact, as many as 80% of new heroin users indicate that they started out by misusing prescription painkillers. Finding a solution to the overprescription of these habit forming drugs and solving the problem of people who become addicted is a national issue that politicians and health officials alike continue to battle.

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