If you think you or a loved one may be living with a mental health disorder, it’s important to be on the lookout for signs and symptoms that indicate that you may need to seek the help of a medical professional.
Please note that signs and symptoms of mental health disorders differ from person to person, and may come and go over time.
One common symptom of mental health issues is changes in sleep and appetite. If you’re suddenly needing more or less sleep than normal, or if you notice significant changes in your appetite, it’s a good idea to stay on the lookout for additional signs that something may be off with your brain chemistry.
Mood swings are another sign of mental health issues, especially when part of the mood swing includes feeling depressed. Social withdrawal–the tendency to isolate from others–can indicate a mental health condition as well.
Changes in work or school performance, as well as changes in the ability to remember information or process problems, can also indicate changes in brain chemistry.
The bottom line: if you think you or a loved one may be dealing with a mental health disorder, it’s important to reach out to a care provider.
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