Achieving Healthy Weight Goals Often Requires Medical Supervision

Louisville weight loss clinic

The newly formed wedge between the two sisters was bigger in width than the number of pounds the younger sister had lost.
The two sophomores, one in college and one in high school, had always gotten along well. In the fist year and a half that the older sister had been away for college, however, something has changed. They talk less when they are together. They connect less through social media when they are apart. They barely resemble the close sisters who were devastated when the out of state college adventure began. And while you have struggled to help your two daughters reconnect, your older daughter’s anger and impatience with her younger sister and her weight loss obsession is difficult to overcome. The fact that your older daughter is an athletically built college gymnast and understands the importance of being fit over being thin seems to be at the root of the stress.
Although your younger daughter started off just attempting to eat healthy, on the opinion of your older daughter is that her sister has now lost too much weight. You now watch as your older daughter appears to constantly monitor everything her sister is eating, frequently shaking her head in frustration nearing disgust. And while you have tried to address the issue with the your younger daughter, you have never felt too comfortable discussing any topic that has to do with dieting, weight loss, or exercising.
You fear, in fact, that because you have been overweight the entire time you have been a parent that you may be the reason for your younger daughter’s unhealthy obsession over her image. And while you want to try to lose some weight your self, it is becoming increasingly clear that you will need the help of a professional weight loss center to make any progress. Perhaps by you focusing on healthy eating and exercising, you can finally have the conversation that you need to have with your younger daughter.
Could a Weight Loss Center Help You Achieve Your Goals?
In a country that continues to struggle with obesity and unhealthy attitudes about weight, many individuals struggle to find the right mix between diet and exercise. As a result, many people who are looking for ways to achieve their goals turn to exercise and weight loss centers. And given that the most common “starting weight” class is now 175 to 199 pounds, an increase from the average 150 to 174 pound class for the first time since 2005, is just one more indicator that we are a nation that needs to take a healthier and medically supervised approach to both weight loss and weight management.
One of the most important reasons that most people need to consult with a weight loss clinic when they are trying to lose weight is that the temptation is often to lose a significant amount of weight in a very short time. In reality, however, many of these quick weight loss approaches end up backfiring. In fact, many of the best weight loss clinics indicate that the goal should be to consistently lose weight at a rate of about one pound a week. This kind of slow and gradual weight loss is a result of paying attention to caloric intake and also making sure that you are getting appropriate amounts of exercise. In addition to the one pound a week goal being more manageable and sustainable, it is also a plan that is less likely to cause gallstones and other health complications.
Working with a weight loss center can also help you achieve some of these other initial and maintenance goals:

  • To lose one pound a week, a weight loss rate that is considered safe, a person needs to to diet or exercise his or her way to a 500-calorie deficit every single day.
  • Researchers believe that you have to burn roughly 3,500 calories to lose a single pound of fat.
  • Losing even 5% to 10% of your weight is proven to lower a person’s chance of developing heart disease.
  • A Harvard research study indicates obesity increases the risk of diabetes by as much as 20 times and as well as substantially boosting the risk of developing high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.

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