When’s the last time your company established new online human resources software? The job market has changed drastically over the past few years, thanks to multiple factors such as a fluctuating economy and wave of new workers, and both employees and employers strive for reliability and convenience in their day-to-day. Online human resources software is essential technology for any business, big or small, to properly organize its most important information and ensure everyone is receiving the benefits, sick leave and bonuses they deserve. Below are some of the top reasons companies are contacting their software provider, from improved time management to happier and healthier employees in the long-term.
General Medical Benefits
Medical benefits are necessary for employees to stay healthy and feel secure in their workplace — these benefits cover general healthcare, eye care, dental care, check-ups and shots. The vast majority of full-time workers have access to medical benefits, no matter the occupation, and a recent survey found half of all its participants citing benefits as the most important reason they have remained with their current employer. Benefits administration tools make distributing benefits a smoother process, keeping track of each employee’s unique information and qualifications. Sick leave functions similarly, though with a few key differences.
Paid And Unpaid Sick Leave
Similar to medical benefits, paid and unpaid sick leave is offered to employees to give them job security, protect other workers and ensure everyone stays healthy throughout the year. Alongside medical benefits like dental care and eye care it is credited with drastically reducing employee turnover and increasing job satisfaction and loyalty. It’s estimated 98% of full-time workers have access to paid sick leave, with 59% of small businesses offering this benefit throughout the country. When it comes to mandated sick leave, only three states in America require businesses to offer this benefit to their employees. Other forms of sick leave require agreement with a particular employer and their unique contract, though adjustments in healthcare legislation could see changes in the future.
Healthcare Legislation In America
Medical laws have changed significantly over the past decade, reflecting the growing needs and demands of the working population. The recently established Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act both require that organizations with 50 full-time or part-time employees or more provide reliable and consistent healthcare benefits. The Family and Medical Leave Act (also known as the FMLA) also entitles employees to have at least 12 weeks of job-protected, unpaid leave during any 12 month period. These reasons can include the birth of a child, care of a family member or recovery from a medical condition. Other forms of healthcare can be more specific, such as accommodating those with reoccurring illness and disability.
Online Human Resources Software
A recent survey found only 13% of organizations have a single HR system and, on average, companies will have three to four different applications for their day-to-day management. While having a few different programs to cover various tasks can be useful, many new forms of software have adapted to offer both employees and employers a degree of flexibility without too much complexity. Benefits administration software combines medical benefits, sick leave and general employment information into one convenient package to make sure nobody is lost in the shuffle. Over half of all businesses plan on establishing new human resource software within the next year, so don’t fall behind — contact your software administrator today and see how they can help your business from the inside out.
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