So strange.
You spotted some animals yesterday that seemed rather out of place.
First, a medium sized animal ran out in front of your car while you were driving to the grocery store with your daughter. It was not a raccoon, not an opossum or feral cat or even a skunk. It was a groundhog! You have never seen one in your state in the wild and you did not even know they lived here!
Then, during that same drive, your daughter said, “Look, Mom,” and pointed out her window. You looked out the passenger window and there was a white chicken walking around right on the corner of a busy intersection. You are not sure if that is good luck our not, but these sightings made for an interesting car ride.
If you have family pets you may have noticed that these months of fewer cars on the road may mean that there are some wold creatures who are making their way into neighborhoods and backyards. With fewer dangers keeping them in their place, in fact, there are many animals that are indeed testing their current boundaries!
The fact that you travel the neighborhood with your son who is in a wheelchair, of course, might be the reason that you notice so much about the habits of wildlife. As his morning and afternoon exercise, whenever the weather allows you and your son go for a walk that often feels more like a run. Although he has a motorized chair that he can use at school, during these outings he uses a one of the latest high performance wheelchairs that is especially designed for racing and competition. The titanium wheelchair also has special kind of bearings for wheelchairs that allow it to ride more smoothly at higher speeds. And while there are plenty of times when you find yourself literally running to stay caught up, there are also plenty of times when you convince him to slow the pace, allowing a time for both of you to notice the animals that are both common and uncommon to the area. That trip to the grocery store with your daughter served as a reminder of how important it is to slow your pace and watch your surroundings when you are out for these twice daily outings with your son.
Do You Have Someone in Your Family Who Uses a Wheelchair?
From wheelchairs that fold to finding the exact kind of bearings for wheelchairs that allow people to compete in races, it is important to know that there are many options available. In the U.S. alone nearly 3.6 million people over the age of 15 use a wheelchair. As a result, there are many companies that offer these products. Designed for a variety of purposes, these chairs allow those with mobility issues to live the fullest lives possible. Whether it having the right kind of bearings for wheelchairs for going for walk around the lake or it is to be able to compete in athletic competitions, it is important to consider these facts and figures about how mobility determines how full a person’s life is:
- The Census Bureau defines disability status through six types of questions measuring difficulty with hearing, vision, cognition, walking and climbing stairs, self-care, and independent living.
- In a worldwide study, in countries with life expectancy longer than 70 years, people spend approximately eight years, which represents 11.5% of their life span, living with disabilities.
- More than 20 million people over the age of 18 have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs, which represents as many as 7.1% of non-institutionalized people with disabilities.
- Fortunately, as many as 98% of public transportation buses are appropriately equipped to accommodate people in wheelchairs.
- In addition to those who use a wheelchair, 11.6 million people use canes, walkers, or crutches. Recognizing these numbers it is easy to see why there is a growing market for everything from bearings for wheelchairs to special slip resistant covers for canes and walkers.
- There are 2 million new wheelchair users in the United States every year.
- Between the years 2010 and 2016, the U.S. civilian population showed an increase from 11.9% to 12.8% in people with disabilities. Some experts believe this number will continue to increase as more and more Americans live longer.
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